Welcome to Floodwatch

The aim of this project is to provide a secured, distributed data infrastructure allowing data owners to share data effortlessly and securely, while concurrently allowing data users to access data on-demand. The data infrastructure is to underpin disaster response and decision support applications. The new focus on flood forecasting and alert is recommended by our collaborator in Vietnam. There is strong interest for this service since urban flooding is a regular challenge in HCMC. You will find the actual webapp tool at `https://floodwatch.netlify.app/`.

NSF Funded Project

In 2020, this project earned an NSF grant of over $250,000. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. For more information about the grant visit here

Collaboration with Vietnam

Our project also partners with H/o Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology. The recommended strategy is once we have developed a pilot app, our partner will convene a demo with city government agencies to get their buy in and input. The collaborating team in Vietnam has expertise and experience in urban flood modeling; and they also have access to the necessary data (e.g., roads, drainage infrastructure, rain gauges, and weather forecast).